Be part of the movement for increased leadership diversity in digital health! Join the One HealthTech Manchester Hub and panellists in an interactive session exploring the impact of leadership diversity on the NHS workforce. The diverse panel will share emerging evidence gathered on career journeys which showcases overlooked insights and highlights both challenges and opportunities in tackling this issue. The session aims to empower the audience to drive change within their own teams by identifying successful practices from across NHS organisations, and support the call to action by continuing the conversation and joining in subsequent activities to advance this movement.


Chair: Charlotte Lewis

hub curator, One HealthTech Manchester
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Alex Hernandez

digital health policy advisor, One HealthTech Manchester
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Bernadette Clarke

managing director, Evolution NHS
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Dr_Paul_Rice (1)

Paul Rice

chief digital and information officer, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS FT and Airedale NHS FT
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Abigail Harrison

executive director of digital and infrastructure, Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
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Rizwan Malik

Rizwan Malik

consultant radiologist, Bolton NHS FT; and managing director, South Manchester Radiology
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Rafiah Ansari

Rafiah Ansari

steering group member, Shuri Network; chief digital ethics and assurance officer, Surrey and Borderlands Partnership NHS FT
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March 12 @ 14:00
14:00 — 14:45 (45′)