Digital Health Networks has made mentorship a cornerstone of the CCIO. CCIO and CNIO Networks, developing a grass-roots community in which current NHS digital leaders support emerging leaders and mentor them.  Learn from people within the programme on their experiences to date and how you can take part.

Sarah Hanbridge

Sarah Hanbridge

CNIO, Leeds University Hospital NHS FT
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Dr Bishoy Dimitri

director of clinical informatics (CCIO), Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT
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12th July 2022
CSP HeadOffice
Furnival Street

Euan McComiskie

health informatics lead, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
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Ben Jeeves

Ben Jeeves

associate chief Clinical information officer & Clinical Safety Officer, Midlands Partnership University NHS FT
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Katie Cutts

digital matron, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
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Johanna Kelly

senior nursing information officer, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
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March 12 @ 12:15
12:15 — 13:00 (45′)