Digital transformation case studies session

Three essential snapshot case studies on digital transformation initiatives from across the NHS will provide you with valuable insights into digital initiatives across the sector.

Session sponsor:


Graham Holland

Graham Holland

Deputy Chief Pharmacist, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS FT

Dr Sean Kelly, MD

Chief Medical Officer, Imprivata and Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Lahey Health


Deborah McKee

Head of Digital Healthcare and Clinical Systems Delivery, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS FT

Lucy Clare-Banayos

Lucy Clare-Banayos

Business Analyst & Change Manager, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS FT

Stacey Hatton

Stacey Hatton

Chief Nursing Information Officer, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

March 18 @ 14:30
14:30 — 15:15 (45′)

Digital Transformation Stage

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