How do NHS staff and the public feel about AI?

This session explores the realities of AI for both the public and staff. Nell Thornton, The Health Foundation will present the findings from its survey of over 8,000 NHS staff and members of the public, investigating attitudes towards health technology and data use. Yesmin Begum, NIHCR, will explore the vital importance of patient and public Involvement in healthcare innovation. Katie Thorn will outline the Oxford statement on generative AI in adult social care, the guidelines and its ethical uses.

Nell Thornton 3

Nell Thornton

Improvement Fellow, The Health Foundation


Yesmin Begum

NHS ELFT Public Governor, National Institute for Health and Care Research, Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

Katie Thorn

Katie Thorn

Project Lead, Digital Care Hub

Robin Carpenter

Robin Carpenter

Head of AI Governance and Policy, Newtons Tree

March 18 @ 15:00
15:00 — 15:45 (45′)

Patient Engagement & Outcomes Stage

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