Explore best practice approaches to protect the confidentiality of data whilst ensuring it can be relied upon to make good decision and available to those relying on it. Our experts will highlight the growing challenges of working with 3rd parties whilst maintaining data integrity. West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit will offer valuable takeaways around incident response actions to engage UK Law Enforcement whilst under attack and also how to initiate the free Law Enforcement support available to all NHS outlets across the UK.

Chair: Victoria Axon
regional security lead for Midlands and East, NHS England

Alun Kime
cyber security contracts manager, Digital Health and Care Wales
Alun joined the NHS in April 2023 having worked in Local Government for the previous 20 years. During that time, he held the position of Information Governance Manager and Data Protection Officer.
Alun is passionate about protecting the confidentiality of data but equally ensuring that data can be relied upon to make good decisions and available to those relying on it.
Increasingly organisations are reliant on 3rd parties to achieve some, if not all of this, so he was delighted to be offered the opportunity to join the Digital Health & Care Wales cyber security team focussing on supply chain security.

DS Ed Trimbee
regional cyber crime unit manager, West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit
Detective Sergeant Ed Trimbee CISM Sec+
Leading Regional Cyber Crime Unit for West Midlands ‘PROTECT PREPARE PREVENT’ portfolios, his team deliver Law Enforcement support across multiple sectors to help businesses and organisations be better protected and prepared for cyber-attack.
Ed is a passionate and respected Law Enforcement cyber partner of both NHS ICB’s and NHS England. He has extensive working knowledge of NHS risk landscape, mitigation and incident response.
Ed will discuss threat, current trends, supply chain assurance and provide case study examples with real world implications. He will offer some valuable takeaways around incident response actions to engage UK Law Enforcement whilst under attack [and the benefits reporting brings], and also how to initiate the free Law Enforcement support available to all NHS outlets across the UK.