Effective population health management is a central aim of Integrated Care Systems.  In this inside track session over the course of three population health case studies you learn how NHS organisations are delivering preventative care for citizens at risk of developing chronic conditions; better supporting patients manage long-term conditions and using data to identify vulnerable patients. Gain insight into using remote motoring at scale to provide better outcomes and reduce waiting lists.

John Mitchell

Chair: John Mitchell

NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
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James Palmer

programme lead, population health management, NHS Surrey Heartlands ICS
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Peter Almond

telehealth head of service, Mersey Care NHS FT
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Dr Rosie Kaur

CCIO and deputy chief medical director, Mersey Care NHS FT
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Sharon Boundy

Sharon Boundy

director of transformation and digital, NHS Frimley ICB
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March 12 @ 15:30
15:30 — 16:15 (45′)