Inside track: What have we learnt from virtual wards and where next?

Hear how the national drive for 50K virtual wards has impacted patient care and explore where next beyond virtual wards. Explore applications of digital home care to transform the way health care is delivered across the NHS, with examples from a range of ICBs leading the way. Understand how to achieve a whole system approach to virtual wards bringing together all the stakeholders across the health and care system, from the acute provider through to the local authority.


Dr Paul Rice

Session Chair
chief digital and information officer, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS FT and Airedale NHS FT

4th June 2013
UCL Office, 170 Tottenham Crt Rd

Dr Amanda Begley

executive director of digital transformation, Health Innovation Network

Tara Donnelly

Tara Donnelly

founder, Digital Care


Umesh Gadhvi

chief digital and information officer, North East London NHS FT

March 12 @ 11:15
11:15 — 12:00 (45′)