Keynote – How can digital make putting the patient first reality?

Placing patients and their carers at the centre of health and care planning and delivery will be a central tenant of the 10-year plan. Hear from leading individuals in patient centric organisations on how digital and data can both empower and engage patients.

Session sponsor:

Patients Know Best

Rachel Power

Rachel Power

Chief Executive, The Patients Association

Helen Milner

Helen Milner OBE

Group Chief Executive, Good Things Foundation


Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli

Founder and CEO, Patients Know Best (PKB)

Lia Ali

Dr Lia Ali

DHN CCIO Advisory Panel and Consultant Psychiatrist South London and Maudsley NHS FT

March 18 @ 09:45
09:45 — 10:45 (1h)

Patient Engagement & Outcomes Stage

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