Patient Engagement and Outcomes:
A key promise of digital health is to provide the apps, portals, data and tools that meaningfully put power into the hands of patients to make informed decisions about their health. The Patient Engagement and Outcomes Stage will focus on case studies detailing how this is being achieved, with health charities and patients talking about their experiences of digital health to date.
This stage will focus on how patients and citizens and experiencing digital and data health services, user centred design and explore their perceptions on digital inclusivity, privacy, consent and governance.
- Remote monitoring
- Community care
- Patient empowerment
- Digital inclusion

“Rewired 2024 helped yet again to “rewire” our thinking, leaving us with new ‘upgrades’ to deliver more for our patients.”
Shanker Vijayadeva, GP Lead, NHS England (London)
“I left feeling up-beat with some positive next steps to improve our EPR for staff and patients.”
Esclarmonde Wood, Senior Digital Nurse, Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust