Showcase your idea or solution to a unique audience of NHS leaders and investors

What is Rewired Pitchfest?

Digital health start-ups are invited to compete at Pitchfest for the opportunity to showcase their idea or solution to a unique audience of NHS leaders and investors. You can apply in the pre-revenue and post-revenue categories. Successful applicants progress to a round of live heats competing at AI and Data 2024 in London Olympia to become finalists. The live finals take place at Digital Health Rewired, 18-19 March 2025 in Birmingham.

Why apply?

  • Winners will access expert advice from CW+ and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS FT’s CW Innovation team, and the potential to run a project in the trust
  • Pitch to influential judges including NHS stakeholders, digital health investors and innovation programme leaders
  • Get exposure by pitching live to audiences at two major industry events
  • Secure media coverage in leading publication Digital Health News
  • 50% off The Hill Grant Writing Workshop (2 day, in person, usually £1,000) if shortlisted
  • 50% off The Hill Procurement Workshop (1 day, online) if shortlisted

Key dates:

Applications open: 29 May 2024

Applications close: 23 August 2024

Shortlists announced: 7 October 2024

Live heats: 22/23 October 2024

Finalists announced: 28 October 2024

Live Pitchfest: 18/19 March 2025

Our definition for this competition a start-up is a company in the early stages of its development – an entrepreneurial start-up venture focused on using digital and data tools in an innovative fashion in health and care in the UK or internationally.

Typically, the start-up will be started by one or more founders who focus on addressing upon a perceived market demand by developing a viable product, service, or platform with a strong digital and data component.

You will be self-funded, pre-seed, at seed round, or possibly series A or even beyond.

Pre-revenue for very early-stage start-ups, which will likely have a MVP

Post-revenue for start-ups who have sufficiently progressed to having multiple paying clients.

The judges are looking for information and evidence about the following five key areas:

  • Vision – how clear is the vision for the start-up and what it is trying to achieve?
  • Innovation and originality – how innovative and original is the start-up in its focus, service and use of technology? How differentiated is it from competitors in its chosen field?
  • Impact – what is scale of the potential impact on health and care provision (in the UK or internationally)?
  • Business plan – how well defined and credible is the business plan?
  • Team – how knowledgeable and credible is the team?


  • Entrants should be start-ups or registered businesses that have been established for less than five years
  • Entrants must have health and social care services, medical devices, consumer or employee health and wellbeing or life sciences as their primary focus of activity
  • Entries can be from any country – but the judging criteria include evaluating potential impact on UK and/or international healthcare.
  • The information provided in the entry form must be accurate, honest and true
  • The selection of pitches will be made based on the data in the web-form
  • If you are invited to take part in the Pitchfest we need you to confirm by the specified date, or we will offer the place to another start-up
  • You may be invited to take part in a Pitchfest practice session ahead of Rewired – this is not obligatory, but you are strongly encouraged to take part if able
  • Your pitch must be provided in advance and be no longer than 3 minutes long
  • Pitches must be made by a single presenter (no teams)
  • In the event of a tied decision the chairman of judges will have the deciding vote
  • The judges’ decisions are final in all instances
  • By entering Pitchfest you agree to have your start-up included in marketing and promotion of the competition.

Judging Panel 2025

Chris Chaney
Chief Executive,

Bio (Read more)

Chris Sawyer
Innovation Lead,
Digital Health, Innovate UK

Bio (Read more)

Dr John Lee Allen
Managing Partner,
RYSE Asset Management

Bio (Read more)

Jon Hoeksma
CEO, Digital Health

Bio (Read more)

Maria Burpee
Marketing Artisan & Top Consultant

Bio (Read more)

Megan Morys-Carter
Director of Digital Innovation, Oxford University Hospitals

Bio (Read more)

Mindy Simon
Co-Director, NHS Innovation Accelerator

Bio (Read more)

Sara Nelson
Senior Nurse for Digital, Guy’s and St Thomas’

Bio (Read more)

Pitchfest partners

Watch the 2024 Pitchfest finalists

Pre-revenue generating category

Revenue generating category

View the runners-up here