Share your digital success story, case study or viewpoint with the digital health community.

This is an open call to speak at Digital Health Rewired 2025, 18-19 March 2025, The NEC in Birmingham.

If you have a digital project, initiative, or solution you’d like to share, now is your chance. Join health professionals, clinicians, digital leaders, analysts, data scientists, researchers, start-ups, policy makers, citizens, and patients to amplify your voice.

The deadline to apply is 20th September

Who can apply

The call is open to everyone working across health and social care in the UK and internationally to use digital and data. The call is open to international speakers too.

If you have, we want to hear from you, particularly from people and teams who have not presented before.

How to apply

Use our web form to share a few details about what you’d like to present on.

So, if you’ve got an interesting digital health development you’d like to share, please tell us about it, we really want to hear from you.

Key themes for 2025

We are looking for proposals to speak on the following topics:

Digital Transformation
Integrated Care
Digital Leadership and Teams
AI, Data, and Analytics
Digital Nursing and NMAHP
Cyber Security and Infrastructure
Value –Based Care

This is an open call for video best practice presentations and quick-fire lightning talks at Digital Health Rewired, 14-18 March, 2022.

Are you a digital health leader or disruptor? Have you got an innovative project, start-up or great initiative that you’d like to share with the incredibly diverse digital health community who’ll be taking part in Rewired 2022?

If you have, we want to hear from you, particularly from people and teams who have not presented before. We also want to hear about how different parts of health and care have used digital and data to respond to Covid-19.

Use our web form to share a few details about what you’d like to present on. Working with the Rewired Programme Committee we’ll then quickly respond and invite the most interesting to come and present at Rewired 2022.

The call is open to everyone working across health and social care in the UK and internationally to use digital and data. The call is open to international speakers too.

So if you’ve got an interesting digital health development you’d like to share, please tell us about it, we really want to hear from you.