Please click on session title for more information

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation StageShowcasing the best examples of how digital is enabling health service transformation at scale in the NHS and internationally. Featuring NHS CEOs, systems leaders and international speakers.

Integrated Care

Integrated Care StageShowcasing pioneering NHS teams making integrated and connected health and care a reality, with examples of work across shared care records, population health, patient portals and remote care at scale.

Leadership and Teams

Digital Leadership and Teams StageThis popular stage dedicated to developing and supporting highly capable leaders and their high performing, engaged and responsive teams returns for 2025. The digital workforce is critical to the success of digital transformation initiatives of all sizes

Sponsored ByMicrosoft and Nuance

Stand Number: G30

AI, Data and Analytics

AI, Data and Analytics StageThis stage will explore how new innovative technologies are being used currently by healthcare organisations; and how they will next provide a pathway to powerful and disruptive new innovation capabilities.

Sponsored ByIntersystems

Stand Number: F30

Digital Nursing and NMAHP

Digital Nursing and Midwifery SummitThrough case studies, panel sessions and keynotes, this stage will showcase the fantastic range of work underway to ensure nurses, midwives, AHPs and pharmacists shape the development of digital tools and services for the benefit all patients.

Start Up Showcase

Start Up ShowcaseFeaturing fantastic innovation case studies, hear from the digital health start-ups and scales ups making waves across the NHS. As widespread adoption of innovation struggles across the NHS, how have they succeeded where other start-ups haven’t? The Start-up Stage will also host the live Pitchfest finals where start-ups will pitch for the chance to work with Chelsea and Westminster NHS FT to develop their solution.


Sponsored Byalcidion


Stand Number: C30

Cyber Security and Infrastructure

Cyber Security and Infrastructure StageCyber security and infrastructure underpin the safe and secure delivery of digital health services. Modern healthcare critically depends on reliable, effective digital infrastructure, playing a key contribution to productivity and efficiency as well as patient safety.

Best Practice

Best Practice ShowcaseDiscover how digital teams from across the NHS are tackling the challenges of digital, data, and innovation across healthcare. Intertwined with sponsored case studies, you will gain actionable insights from digital NHS leaders and experts from industry transforming care services for healthcare workers and patients.

Value Based Care

Value Based Care StageValue-based care with joined-up data at its heart has the potential to transform patient pathways and deliver better outcomes and experiences across a population. New for 2025, this stage will explore the strategies, solutions and experiences from the pioneers re-imagining healthcare models for a more equitable and sustainable future NHS.

*programme is subject to change

Please click on session title for more information

Digital Transformation

Digital TransformationThe Digital Transformation Stage is focused on showcasing the best examples of how digital is enabling health service transformation at scale in the NHS and internationally. Learn lessons from NHS CEOs and other systems leaders who will share their experiences of implementing successful digital transformation programmes. To include international health system speakers and wider UK healthcare sector.

Stand Number: B20

Integrated Care

Integrated Care Systems are pioneering new ways to deliver integrated health and social care. On the Integrated Care Stage you’ll hear from pioneering teams making integrated and connected health and care a reality, with examples of work from across the country on delivering shared care records, population health, patient portals and remote care at scale.

Leadership and Teams

Developing and supporting highly capable leaders and teams is critical to the success of digital transformation initiatives of all sizes. Through case studies and panel discussions the Digital Leadership and Teams stage will explore how to be a successful digital leader in healthcare and how to develop and support high-performing, engaged and responsive teams.

Sponsored ByMicrosoft and Nuance

Stand Number: G30

AI, Data and Analytics

Ai, Data and Analytics StageThe rapid evolution of AI, Data and Analytics technologies and services, such as ChatGPT, are creating a powerful range of infrastructure and linked capabilities. The AI, Data and Analytics stage will explore how these technologies are being used currently by healthcare organisations; and how they will next provide a pathway to powerful and disruptive new innovation capabilities.

Sponsored ByIntersystems

Stand Number: F30

Digital AHP and Pharmacy

Digital AHP and Pharmacy

Patient Engagement

Patient EngagementA key promise of digital health is to provide the apps, portals, data and tools that meaningfully put power into the hands of patients to make informed decisions about their health. Some £70m is currently being invested into patient engagement. The patient empowerment stage will focus on case studies detailing how this is being achieved, with health charities and patients talking about their experiences of digital health to date.


Innovation stageThe Innovation stage returns to Rewired to showcase the best in digital health innovation, highlighting the innovation journeys of innovators and entrepreneurs. The innovation stage will also explore the mechanisms and opportunities available to help support and scale innovation in the NHS. Across a mix of panels and case-studies you’ll hear from start-ups, scales-ups, investors and accelerators from the UK and internationally. The Innovation stage will also host the final of the Digital Health Rewired Pitchfest competition.

Best Practice and Pitchfest

Best Practice ShowcaseDiscover how digital teams from across the NHS are tackling the challenges of digital, data, and innovation across healthcare.

PitchfestWatch 16 of the hottest digital health start-ups and scale-ups pitch their innovations in front of a live audience across two pre-revenue and revenue generating categories. Following a series of virtual heats, the finalists will battle it out to win the opportunity to work with Chelsea and Westminster NHS FT’s innovation team to scale their solution across the NHS. For a full breakdown of the Pitchfest, click here.

*programme is subject to change

Please click on session title for more information

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation StageThe Digital Transformation Stage is focused on showcasing the best examples of how digital is enabling health service transformation at scale in the NHS and internationally. Learn lessons from NHS CEOs and other systems leaders who will share their experiences of implementing successful digital transformation programmes. To include international health system speakers and wider UK healthcare sector.

Stand Number: B20

Integrated Care

Integrated Care StageIntegrated Care Systems are pioneering new ways to deliver integrated health and social care. On the Integrated Care Stage you’ll hear from pioneering teams making integrated and connected health and care a reality, with examples of work from across the country on delivering shared care records, population health, patient portals and remote care at scale.

Leadership and Teams

Digital Leadership and Teams StageDeveloping and supporting highly capable leaders and teams is critical to the success of digital transformation initiatives of all sizes. Through case studies and panel discussions the Digital Leadership and Teams stage will explore how to be a successful digital leader in healthcare and how to develop and support high-performing, engaged and responsive teams.

Sponsored ByMicrosoft and Nuance

Stand Number: G30

AI, Data and Analytics

AI, Data and Analytics StageThe rapid evolution of AI, Data and Analytics technologies and services, such as ChatGPT, are creating a powerful range of infrastructure and linked capabilities. The AI, Data and Analytics stage will explore how these technologies are being used currently by healthcare organisations; and how they will next provide a pathway to powerful and disruptive new innovation capabilities.

Sponsored ByIntersystems

Stand Number: F30

Digital Nursing and NMAHP

Digital Nursing and Midwifery SummitThe Digital Nursing and NMAHP Summit will showcase the fantastic range of work underway to ensure nurses, midwives, AHPs and pharmacists shape the development of digital tools and services for the benefit all patients. Through a series of case studies, panel sessions and keynotes the programme will showcase digital nursing leaders, teams and initiatives from across the NHS and wider UK health and care.

Start Up Showcase

Start Up ShowcaseSmart networks and infrastructure provide the essential foundations for digital health and care. Software, data and sensors are increasingly ubiquitous, and embedded into networked medical equipment and physical fabric of healthcare buildings and facilities.


Sponsored Byalcidion


Stand Number: C30

Cyber Security and Infrastructure

Cyber Security and Infrastructure StageMarch 2023 saw the publication of the NHS Cyber Security strategy that stressed the need for all NHS organisations to invest in developing cyber secure networks and recovery strategies, with ICBs taking a lead role. Major trusts to have been hit with cyber security attacks in 2023 so far include Barts and St Thomas’ and Manchester. The Cyber Security stage will explore national and local strategies, responses and experiences.

Best Practice and Pitchfest

Best Practice ShowcaseDiscover how digital teams from across the NHS are tackling the challenges of digital, data, and innovation across healthcare.

PitchfestWatch 16 of the hottest digital health start-ups and scale-ups pitch their innovations in front of a live audience across two pre-revenue and revenue generating categories. Following a series of virtual heats, the finalists will battle it out to win the opportunity to work with Chelsea and Westminster NHS FT’s innovation team to scale their solution across the NHS. For a full breakdown of the Pitchfest, click here.

*programme is subject to change

Please click on session title for more information

Digital Transformation

Digital TransformationThe Digital Transformation Stage is focused on showcasing the best examples of how digital is enabling health service transformation at scale in the NHS and internationally. Learn lessons from NHS CEOs and other systems leaders who will share their experiences of implementing successful digital transformation programmes. To include international health system speakers and wider UK healthcare sector.

Stand Number: B20

Integrated Care

Integrated Care Systems are pioneering new ways to deliver integrated health and social care. On the Integrated Care Stage you’ll hear from pioneering teams making integrated and connected health and care a reality, with examples of work from across the country on delivering shared care records, population health, patient portals and remote care at scale.

Leadership and Teams

Developing and supporting highly capable leaders and teams is critical to the success of digital transformation initiatives of all sizes. Through case studies and panel discussions the Digital Leadership and Teams stage will explore how to be a successful digital leader in healthcare and how to develop and support high-performing, engaged and responsive teams.

Sponsored ByMicrosoft and Nuance

Stand Number: G30

AI, Data and Analytics

Ai, Data and Analytics StageThe rapid evolution of AI, Data and Analytics technologies and services, such as ChatGPT, are creating a powerful range of infrastructure and linked capabilities. The AI, Data and Analytics stage will explore how these technologies are being used currently by healthcare organisations; and how they will next provide a pathway to powerful and disruptive new innovation capabilities.

Sponsored ByIntersystems

Stand Number: F30

Digital AHP and Pharmacy

Digital AHP and Pharmacy

Patient Engagement

Patient EngagementA key promise of digital health is to provide the apps, portals, data and tools that meaningfully put power into the hands of patients to make informed decisions about their health. Some £70m is currently being invested into patient engagement. The patient empowerment stage will focus on case studies detailing how this is being achieved, with health charities and patients talking about their experiences of digital health to date.


Innovation stageThe Innovation stage returns to Rewired to showcase the best in digital health innovation, highlighting the innovation journeys of innovators and entrepreneurs. The innovation stage will also explore the mechanisms and opportunities available to help support and scale innovation in the NHS. Across a mix of panels and case-studies you’ll hear from start-ups, scales-ups, investors and accelerators from the UK and internationally. The Innovation stage will also host the final of the Digital Health Rewired Pitchfest competition.

Best Practice and Pitchfest

Best Practice ShowcaseDiscover how digital teams from across the NHS are tackling the challenges of digital, data, and innovation across healthcare.

PitchfestWatch 16 of the hottest digital health start-ups and scale-ups pitch their innovations in front of a live audience across two pre-revenue and revenue generating categories. Following a series of virtual heats, the finalists will battle it out to win the opportunity to work with Chelsea and Westminster NHS FT’s innovation team to scale their solution across the NHS. For a full breakdown of the Pitchfest, click here.

*programme is subject to change