We bring together representatives from across the digital health community to help curate a diverse, engaging and re-imagined Rewired 2025 programme that supports delegates in achieving their digital futures.

Featherstone, Rochelle
Noel, Simon
Burch, Emily
Boot, Lucy
Thompson, Sarah
Jones, Monica
Micklewright, Tom
Rice, Paul
Fletcher, Beatrix
Cooper, Jacqui
Charnley, Paul
Simon, Mindy
Sharma, Videha
Deng, Alexander
Carpenter, Robin
Au Yeung, Josh
Nelson, Sara
Fletcher, Monica
Jeeves, Ben
O'Reilly, Nick
Grafton, Hayley
Bakhai, Ameet
Dawn Greaves
Dimitri, Bishoy
Lee, Matthew
Chok, Shera
Chaudhury, Hassan
Mitchell, John
White, Peter
Hatton, Stacey
Symonds, Ynez
Harrison, Abigail
Ali, Lia
Holland, Ruth
Jones, Paul
Kaur, Ramandeep
Mahmood, Misbah
McComiskie, Euan
Rickles, Lee
Shuaib, Haris

18 – 19 MARCH