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Digital Health Rewired 2021: Roundup of the Digital Leadership Summit

NHS IT chiefs took centre stage on the second day of Rewired – here is a roundup of some of the key discussions which took place. 

Leadership Summit Roundup

NHS IT chiefs took centre stage on the second day of Digital Health Rewired to speak about the lessons learned during the coronavirus pandemic. Here is a roundup of the key discussions which took place. 

Sarah Wilkinson, CEO of NHS Digital, told the Rewired Digital Leadership Summit audience what her five key digital takeaways from the last year have been. This included ‘the NHS had extraordinary digital, data and technology capability’, adding that the organisation had ‘no idea what we were capable of’.

Also speaking today was Matthew Gould, CEO of NHSX, who said the NHS took “bigger and bolder” steps on digital during the Covid-19 pandemic and needs to “bottle that spirit”.

Gould also said it has been a “remarkable” year for health technology, adding that there was renewed focus on the need for digital to be at the heart of the NHS.

Views from New Zealand

There was a very early 6.30am start to the Leadership Summit as delegates were treated to keynote addresses from digital leaders from New Zealand.

Over the lunch break we had the second Rewired Pitchfest heat where MediShout was announced the winner.

The app that digitises operational processes to save time will appear (virtually of course) again at the live final on Friday (March 19).

Shuri Network reaches 1000 members

The afternoon saw a session on actions to develop diversity in digital leadership which was led by Dr Shera Chok, the co-founder and chair of The Shuri Network.

Dr Chok told the audience that since it’s launch almost two years ago, the network has grown to more than 1,000 members. She also provided an update on what lies ahead for the group which includes developing practical opportunities and challenging organisations to take action when it comes to increasing diversity and inclusion.

Digital Health Rewired 2021 is running from 15-19 March and is free for everyone from NHS, public sector, independent providers, charities and education sectors, plus start-ups less than three-years old.You can book your place here

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