Digital care records: a vision for citizen-centred care

Digital Care Records are being advocated by the influential Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI) as the missing glue needed to integrate the health and care system and empower patients in taking control of their care.

Join Dr Charlotte Refsum, director of health policy TBI; Markus Bolton, industry leader and CEO of Graphnet, for an essential Rewired fireside discussion chaired by Jon Hoeksma, CEO Digital Health, on how DCRs could provide enable integrated care and accelerate future health and care services.

Charlotte Refsum

Dr Charlotte Refsum

Director of Health Policy, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

Markus Bolton 2024

Markus Bolton

Executive Director, Graphnet Health


Jon Hoeksma

Chair, Digital Health Intelligence

March 18 @ 12:00
12:00 — 12:45 (45′)

Digital Transformation Stage

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