Making healthtech work for everyone: working with people and communities to design inclusive digitally enabled healthcare services

The potential for digital technologies to improve healthcare service delivery is considerable. However, their design and use are yet to be optimised and there is a risk that the benefits will not be felt across our communities. This session will present new research from the King’s Fund and the Health Foundation examining how to improve the way technology in health care is designed and implemented so it is inclusive and trustworthy, showcasing promising real-world examples of where this is happening. 

Emma Wills

Emma Wills

Researcher, The King’s Fund

Cheryl Gowar

Cheryl Gowar

Researcher, The King’s Fund

Ahmed Binesmael

Ahmed Binesmael

Senior Improvement Analyst, The Health Foundation

Tom Hardie

Tom Hardie

Senior Improvement Fellow, The Health Foundation

March 19 @ 14:15
14:15 — 15:00 (45′)

Patient Engagement & Outcomes Stage

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