Exploring national and local strategies in Cyber Security

March 2023 saw the publication of the NHS Cyber Security strategy that stressed the need for all NHS organisations to invest in developing cyber secure networks and recovery strategies, with ICBs taking a lead role. Major trusts to have been hit with cyber security attacks in 2023 so far include Barts and St Thomas’ and Manchester. The Cyber Security stage will explore national and local strategies, responses and experiences.
Key topics:
- Tales from the NHS’ cyber security frontline
- Cyber strategies for ICBs
- Medical IOT security risks and solutions
- Cyber security and the NHS workforce
- Supply chain resilience

“Rewired 2023 was yet again a fantastic 2-day opportunity for people working in health to get together and ‘be digital.’ From National to ICS practice, cybers security, transformation and innovation it was all there!”
Emma Daley, CNIO, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
“Great event to network with individuals across the health system and its suppliers. A brilliant way of increasing the awareness of digital capabilities and considerations.”
Chris Day, Lead Clinician for Cyber Operations, NHSE