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Inside track: Virtual wards and where next on virtual care?

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Almost every NHS provider has a virtual wards programme designed to help alleviate pressures on waiting lists.   

In this Rewired Digital Transformation session, learn from Dr Amanda Begley, interim director of Digital Transformation of Health Innovation Network, on how the national drive to achieve 50,000 virtual ward places has impacted patient care so far. She will explore what has worked well and what less well.

Tara Donnelly, founder, Digital Care (former director of Digital Care Models for NHS England), will then ask where we go next beyond virtual wards and how can we make virtual care the standard model of care delivery.

The session is part of the exciting Rewired24 programme featuring CPD-accredited across digital transformation, leadership, integrated care, AI, digital nursing, cyber, smart health, and patient empowerment stages.

Book your place today. Free for NHS and public sector. Private sector tickets start from £475 +VAT.

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