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Next cohort of Rewired 2025 speakers announced

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What can you learn from our latest Rewired speakers and their experiences from working on major digital health initiatives from across the globe?  

Prof. Rachel Dunscombe, who spent five years as CEO of the NHS Digital Academy, having previously served as CIO for Salford Royal and Northen Care Alliance which under her leadership became the NHS’s most digitally mature organisation. She has been a member of the UK AI council, advised the Secretary of State for Health, and is now CEO of OpenEHR International.

What lessons can the UK learn from her work with the international community in developing open standards and electronic health record platforms? And how could these key initiatives support better interoperability, data sharing and ultimately, patient care?

Prof. Henrique Martins was one of the first ever CMIOs in Portugal and has risen as one of the stars of eHealth at European level. He headed up Portugal’s digital health agency, setting the agenda for eHealth and leading numerous nationwide projects, and co-chaired the EU eHealth Network, the highest policy body on eHealth in the Union.

He sits on the HL7 Europe Foundation Board of Directors, is a senior consultant for WHO and has authored papers on new digital health trends at global, European, national and hospital levels. Join us for what will be a fascinating session exploring what next for European digital health.