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Rewired Speaker Profile: Cleveland Henry, UK Cloud

Rewired Speaker Profile Cleveland Henry

With less than three weeks to go until Digital Health Rewired, UK Cloud’s director of cloud, Cleveland Henry, is our next speaker taking part in our profile series. 

Cleveland, who was previously programme director of innovations, digital futures and digital collaboration service at NHS Digital, will be speaking at the Rewired Conference and Exhibition on 26 March.

There she will be speaking in the cloud and mobile track and we asked him we he thinks Rewired is a must-attend event.

Why have you chosen to speak to at Rewired?

Rewired has taken the best parts of successful health tech events, steered away from the bits we all detest such as irrelevant speaking slots and created an exciting programme focussed on the right topics, the right people and the right market expertise. For those reasons I was keen to speak at Rewired. I like the content, the approach and the relevancy of the programme.

What do they think people attending the event will get from it?

There’s so much to see and hear at Rewired with focus on specific subjects like Cloud, Imaging, Cyber Security, Clinical Software amongst others. There’s also an opportunity to get a wide range of insight and answers to the challenges we all face under one roof. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a topic, product or speech relevant for each individual attending.

Why should they attend?

Having spent considerable time ‘on the circuit’ as a speaker and or delegate, I believe I have a good view of what makes a good or not so good event. If you want to get ahead, grappling for advice, seeking greater insight, searching for peers and/or market partners to work with in Digital Health then Rewired is a must-attend event.  To get this much coverage usually takes attendance to many different events, this two-day event has the makings of setting a standard across the health tech industry.

Digital Health Rewired is the new two-day conference and one-day exhibition taking place on 25-26 March 2019 at London Olympia, that will connect health IT leaders and professionals with the latest disruptive digital health innovations.

Developed for everyone working across NHS IT and the wider digital health sector, Digital Health Rewired will provide attendees with insights and ideas they can take back and implement in their organisation, while growing their professional network.

Speakers include Nicola Strickland from the Royal College of Radiologists, Mohammad Al-Ubaydli from Patients Know Best and Tomaž Gornik from Marand.

Why not register your place today?

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