Eva Health Technologies

At Eva Health Technologies, we believe in better. We believe in better technology to support clinicians and healthcare administrators; we believe that we can use technology to help relieve burdens to ensure patients receive better care. By building healthcare software that is fit for the future of healthcare delivery, our aim is to help us to live happier and healthier lives. Our core product is our Electronic Health Record for primary care, shaped around the demands and expectations of both patients and clinicians, as well as specific solutions such as our Covid Vaccination Record solution to tackle the urgent issues facing healthcare today.
16 Normandy Way
PL31 1EX
Web: https://evahealth.co.uk
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eva-health-technologies
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvaHealthUK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EvaHealthUK