Cox, David

David Cox
Cons Neonatologist and Clinical Informatician for the Digital Child Health Programme, NHS England
Dr David Cox is a Consultant Neonatologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Clinical Lead for Digital Child Health for the Transformation Directorate at NHS England. He is also an advisor to the Digital Board of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
In his role at NHS England, David aims to strategise and support child health digital solutions that both aid children and their parents/carers to understand and interact with their healthcare in a more user-friendly and intuitive way, and facilitate data flow between healthcare organisations so directly helping clinicians deliver better clinical care and system improvement.
David has been a Clinical Fellow for two large Department of Health and Social Care-commissioned reviews, including the Topol Review during a National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellowship, and has subsequently been a HEE Topol Digital Health Fellow. David is interested in both the evolution in models of care, and how the clinical workforce can be better supported to deliver optimal patient care as these models are implemented.
David also works with Imperial College London, leading an Imperial College Business School on ‘Managing Healthcare Organisations’, and working with their Faculty of Medicine to curate a new undergraduate programme in Medical Science and Health Innovation.