
Stand Number: G50
Address: 1 Victoria St, Windsor SL4 1HB
Telephone: +44 (0)1753 829600
X: @intersystemsuki
LinkedIn: InterSystems UK
InterSystems is supporting healthcare transformation around the UK making the vision of connected health and care a reality. We enable every care provider in every care setting secure access to a shared electronic health and care record for each patient, giving them all available information to help them make quicker and safer decisions.
Our products combine complete information, intuitive workflow and embedded analytics to:
• Reduce unwarranted variation in care
• Promote adherence to consistent standards
• Provide evidence based clinical decision support
• Minimise reliance on remembering
• Improve patient outcomes
• Advance population health understanding and management
Over 110 NHS Trusts and Boards across the UK and Ireland are using InterSystems Technology to connect and share information between disparate clinical systems. More than one billion health records across the globe are built on InterSystems technology.