Digital imaging specialists Agfa HealthCare join as Rewired sponsor
As well has being the conference sponsor of the Digital Imaging track, Agfa is also presenting at the Rewired Expo on March 26 in London.

Digital imaging specialists Agfa HealthCare have been named as a sponsor for Digital Health Rewired.
Agfa has joined as conference sponsor of the Digital Imaging track of Digital Health Rewired.
Digital Health Rewired is the new multi-event conference and exhibition in London focused on joining up and integrating health and care through the transformational use of technology and new ways of working.
The event has been developed for everyone working across NHS IT and the wider digital health sector.
As well has being a sponsor, Agfa is also presenting at the Rewired Expo on March 26 where attendees can hear from Daniel Fascia, clinical lead, Transformation Yorkshire Imaging Collaborative.
Paul Jackson, head of marketing at Agfa HealthCare, said: “In a period of significant healthcare technology change across the UK and NHS, there are numerous events and conferences, probably one for every day of the year! Events vary in both format and success in bringing users and suppliers together to discuss challenges and solutions.
“I welcome Digital Health’s new leadership event to connect health IT leaders with the latest digital health innovations. Their expertise is second to none; from establishing EHI Live, over ten years ago, to the vibrant CCIO Health CIO Networks and NHS IT leadership forums.
“Agfa HealthCare is delighted to be the Digital Imaging Sponsor for Digital Health Rewired 2019 and we look forward to the Leadership Summit and Conference. I am confident that Rewired will continue to grow and become a regular annual event in the digital health IT diary.”
Day one of Rewired, 25 March, will begin with the fourth edition of the Digital Health Leadership Summit, now renamed the Rewired Leadership Summit.
The Rewired Leadership Summit will bring together health CCIOs, CIOs, CNIOs and C-suite colleagues to address the leadership challenges of digital transformation. An evening of networking will follow.
Day two, 26 March, will be devoted to the brand new Digital Health Rewired Expo, an integrated conference and exhibition, that will showcase some of the very best local and national work of digital trailblazers in health and care.
Dedicated zones will also enable delegates to explore latest developments in key disruptive technology trends: AI and Analytics, Cloud and Mobile, Clinical Software and Cyber Security. Each zone will have a compelling programme delivered in its own show-floor theatre, informed by Digital Health’s News and Intelligence coverage.
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