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Digital Leadership Summit 2021 preview – what not to miss

The Digital Health Rewired Leadership Summit will return in 2021 and will feature a host of key figures from across NHSX and NHS Digital.

Digital Health Leadership Summit

The Digital Health Rewired Leadership Summit will return for its sixth year in 2021 and will feature a host of key figures from across NHSX and NHS Digital.

Day two of Digital Health Rewired is dedicated entirely to the Digital Leadership Summit, sponsored by Microsoft. The day is catered especially for NHS CIOs, CCIOs, CNIOs and future digital leaders and is open only to public sector delegates.

There is a bright and early start to the day as we welcome back our contingent from New Zealand. From 6.30am delegates can hear from the likes of Shayne Hunter, deputy-director general, data and digital at the Ministry of Health New Zealand who returns after his popular session at Digital Health Virtual Summer Schools 2020.

Following that, at around 9.05am, we have a keynote from NHS Digital’s CEO Sarah Wilkinson who will provide insight on the key digital lessons learnt during the first year of Covid-19.

As they day continues so does the line up of prominent digital leaders with NHSX’s CEO Matthew Gould due to speak at 11.05am.

Just before lunch Gould’s colleague Sonia Patel, who is NHSX’s CIO, will be leading a workshop looking at why a skilled and professionally developed health and care informatics workforce has never been more vital.

In the afternoon, the spotlight will be on the trailblazing nursing leaders and teams using digital and data for the benefit of patients and their care.

The ‘Leadership workshop: Digital Nursing’ session at Digital Health Rewired 2021 will feature a keynote from Dr Natasha Philips, CNIO at NHSX.

She will be joined by:

  • Jo Dickson, CCIO, Nuffield Health and chair of Digital Health’s CNIO Network
  • Jacqueline Davies, CNIO, System C
  • Julie Haigh, Chair of DMERG and Lead Clinic Midwife

If the keynote speeches aren’t quite enough for you, there’s also a series of interactive workshops for you to get involved in, including:

  • Building a vibrant digital nursing leadership community, with NHSX
  • Digital aspirants and digital maturity
  • Board already? CCIO/CDIO/CIO experiences and lessons from being on boards
  • Future digital leaders, where next? With Health Education England
  • BAME and diversity, progress and next steps with The Shuri Network
  • A skilled and professionally developed Health and Care Informatics workforce has never been more vital, with Fed-IP
  • Where are the missing CIOs? With CHIME
  • Digital entrepreneurs and pioneers, with DigitalHealth.London
  • Overcoming the barriers to joined-up health and care, with OneLondon Collaborative

The second day of Rewired will also see the second round of the Pitchfest heats as the next round up digital health startups battle it out for a place in the final. The quickfire heats start at 12.30pm.

You can also view the FULL Rewired 2021 programme here.

Digital Health Rewired 2021 is the must-attend virtual festival celebrating the best of digital health and care, taking place across 15-19 March 2021. Get a flavour of Rewired 2021 from the video below.

You can book your place here

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