Five new Rewired24 sessions you don’t want to miss

With Rewired24 just four weeks away and 300+ speakers confirmed, we’re shining a light on five recently added sessions you won’t want to miss.
Building smarter hospitals to digitally enable better patient care
12 March, 09:45-10:30, Smart Health Stage
Hear how the New Hospital Programme (NHP) is using digital for smart hospital design, including its evidence-based approach, vision and impact on patient outcomes and staff.
- Sarah Thomas, Director of Digital, New Hospital Programme
- Dr Rosa Montero, CSH/UKKA sustainable kidney care group scholar, St George’s University Hospitals NHS FT
- Prof. Sergio Cavalaro, AIP Lead and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, Academia-Industry-Partnership (AIP)
Cyber Infrastructure: How to assure the resiliency of your supply chain
12 March, 14:00-14:45, Cyber Security Stage
Gain essential insights on incident response and accessing free Law Enforcement support for NHS outlets. Plus, best practices for data confidentiality and integrity, and how to maintain data integrity working with third parties.
- Alun Kime, Cyber Security Contracts Manager, Digital Health and Care Wales
- DS Ed Trimbee CISM, Regional Cyber Crime Unit Manager, West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit
Driving patient centric innovation
13 March, 09:15-10:00, Patient Engagement Stage
This session kicks off with an energetic live demonstration of therapeutic music app SingFit, followed by the ground-breaking NHS initiatives transforming heart health care and cancer care to empower patients beyond the hospital walls.
- Rachel Francine, Co-Founder and CEO, SingFit
- Liz Ashall-Payne, CEO, ORCHA
- Dr Majid Kazmi, Director of Innovation for Cancer and Surgery and Deputy Medical Director, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS FT
Hear from those who have navigated the procurement process and how to avoid bidding fatigue.
- Ian Hogan, CIO, Leeds and York Hospital NHS FT
- Hassan Chaudhury, Commercial Director, DATA-CAN
- Sammantha Fay, CEO, SiSU Health
How to get the best from collaborations between the NHS, SMEs and Industry
13 March, 14:00–14:45, Innovation Stage
Discover how effective collaboration can address NHS priorities including health inequalities, prevention (especially LTC Management) and addressing backlog; with patients at the heart.
- Dr Tim Ringrose, CEO, Cognitant Group and president of the Digital Health Section, Royal Society Medicine
- Dr Mamta Bajre, Lead Health Economist and Methodologist, Health Innovation Oxford and Thames Valley
- Becky Cotton, co-founder and CEO, Lumino
- Chair: Dr Louise Jopling, Commercial Director, Health Innovation East
Rewired24 is free for NHS and public sector professionals, with CPD accreditation available for all sessions. Private sector tickets are £475+VAT.