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First cohort of official Rewired 2023 event partners announced


Digital Health Rewired, the premier education and networking event for the UK digital health community, has confirmed its first official partners for its 2023 edition.  

Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB), The Federation for Informatics Professionals (FEDIP), techUK and CW+ have all confirmed their participation as partners in the conference which takes place 14-15 March 2023 at London’s Business Design Centre.  

The partners will support the development of Rewired’s CPD accredited conference programme. In addition, they will bring their diverse member communities to convene at Rewired to enjoy the best of NHS IT, digital and data innovation under one roof. One thousand people have already registered their place.  

The PRSB, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the development and implementation of standards in health and social care, will be exhibiting on stand D4. Marketing manager Andy Hall said:  

“PRSB is delighted to be continuing its partnership with Digital Health Rewired by participating in the 2023 event in March. With digital integral to the delivery of a truly integrated health and social care system, Rewired is a critical platform for debate on how to achieve this effectively and efficiently. 

 “We are especially looking forward to contributing to discussion on how data and digital solutions can help address the challenges of the backlog, enhance the day-to-day life for the workforce, and improve the health and wellbeing of people through preventative care.” 

FEDIP, a member organisation supporting the development of the informatics profession across health and care, returns as Rewired partner for the second year in a row. 

Sarah Scriven, FEDIP’s operations committee chair, said: “Rewired offers the opportunity to reconnect in person and to celebrate and recognise the work of health and care informatics practitioners from across the profession. This year, we look forward to hearing from future leaders to give a voice to their experiences and ideas for the future. 

“Throughout 2022 we have worked with Digital Health and the Federation’s Professional Bodies to help promote and support future digital leaders in the health and care informatics profession. We look forward to hearing from our 35 under 35 scholarship winners at this year’s Rewired on workforce development, tackling health inequalities and staff education.  

“Rewired will also give our Professional Bodies a platform to discuss how the profession has made progress in these crucial areas and how practitioners can use this work to support their own professional development. We look forward to seeing everyone again in March.” 

Rewired Pitchfest, the entrepreneurial competition providing a platform for young and innovative ventures to scale in the NHS, partners again with CW+ to offer winners an NHS test bed site.  

Open for applications until 8 December, contestants will battle for the chance to have their innovation rolled-out at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS FT through the CW Innovation programme – a collaboration between the trust and its partner charity CW+.  

Chris Chaney, the chief executive of CW+ and co-lead of CW Innovation, said: “We are delighted to partner with Digital Health for the fourth consecutive year to offer winners of Pitchfest 2023 the chance to pilot their solution at the trust. It is fantastic that the competition is now open to both digital health scale ups and start-ups, and we would encourage companies from across the sector to apply.   

“It’s crucial to us that we’re leading the way in healthcare innovation and by providing a real-world test bed for the winners as part of our flagship CW Innovation programme, we can help maximise potential, bringing innovation to the forefront of patient care.” 

Reprensting industry is techUK the trade association which brings together people, companies and organisations to realise the positive outcomes of what digital technology can achieve with over 300 members across health and care.  

techUK’s head of health and social care Leontina Postelnicu is a member of the Rewired 2023 programme supporting the development of educational content for the conference.  

Media partners also confirmed include Silver Buck, Health Business, Digital Health News EU and The Journal of mHealth.  

Rewired 2023 is fee for NHS, local government, education and charities.

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