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Dr Dilshan Arawwawala | Cindy Kouris | Andrew Temple | Philip Graham

CCIO/ Consultant ICM & Anaesthesia | Head of Workforce Information & Systems | Senior Project Manager | Digital Programme Director

CCIO/ Consultant ICM & Anaesthesia | Head of Workforce Information & Systems | Senior Project Manager | Digital Programme Director

The NHS COVID-19 staff digital passport proved its value during the pandemic, supporting staff movement across care systems. With unprecedented demand and pressures on the NHS and the people working for it, Read More

File Type: pdf
Categories: Smart Health
Organisation: Mid and South Essex NHS FT | Royal Berkshire NHS FT | Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS FT | Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS FT
Session Title: Digital passports with systems access capability - the future. Supporting workforce mobility and increasing time for patient care
Presentation Title: Digital passports with systems access capability - the future. Supporting workforce mobility and increasing time for patient care
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