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National secondary care transformation keynote confirmed

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  • Dr Vin Diwakar, the medical director for secondary care in NHS England’s national medical care and transformation directorates, has been confirmed as a day one Rewired 2023 keynote.  Join us on the National Policy and Keynote Stage to hear Dr Diwakar discuss how science, technology, digital, and data is being used to address improvements in patient outcomes and relieve under-pressure NHS services.  

    The former regional clinical chief who led London’s health and care system through the COVID-19 pandemic, recently announced the go-live of 40 new data-driven traffic control centres to help local NHS teams manage hospitals’ capacity in in real time.  

    Register for Rewired, 14-15 March where Dr Diwakar will share progress and plans for digital programmes for 2023 and beyond. The event is free for NHS, public sector, charities and education. Early bird prices for private sector tickets close on 31 December 2022. 

Register here

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