Orion Health

Orion Health is a global leader in healthcare technology with over 17 years’ experience working with the NHS. Clinicians worldwide use our interoperable healthcare information technology solutions every day to improve clinical workflow, decision-making and patient care. We offer population health solutions that span all care settings. Capabilities include data integration, integrated digital care records, care coordination, care pathways, patient engagement, medicines management and more. Orion Health is a member of the INTEROPen movement, and committed to the development of open standards for interoperability.
Indeed, alongside our customer Connecting Care in Bristol, we were one of the first to implement a Care Connect API. Current customers include the award-winning integrated digital care records the Care Integrated Digital Record in Camden, the Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record and the Clinical Portal at Temple Street Children’s University Hospital in Ireland.
Tel: +44 870 486 8406
Email: emea-marketing@orionhealth.com
Twitter: @OrionHealthEMEA